
Daizha Moton

Meet DaeJanai, Rising Star

My name is Daizha Moton,I am 19 years old and attended Stafford Highschool. At age 3, I was featured on Oprah's Most Talented Kids for my photographic memory. I can now recite all 257 countries, 46 presidents and 50 states in under 3 1/2minutes. One of my goals is to be in the Guinness Book of World Records for this one day. I have been acting, singing, playing piano since age of 4. I now play guitar now learning to play drums. I have won several academic awards as well and draw portraits of people to relax me in my down time. I am oratorical speaker and have been creating videos since I was 7 years old and have won many video competitions in Houston and surrounding areas for this as well. I act in them, film, edit, do voiceovers, create my own songs for them and more. I taught myself all of this by using technology and apps from my phone in the beginning. I have performed at events for the State Representative, Mayor and Congressman in the past. The CW News aired an interview of me which featured many of my talents. I have written 6  books for teens and children and written and composed 80 songs and taught myself music production (still learning) to make my own beats for my songs in which have done with some of my music. I have sang on several church stages, in plays, one with singer/songwriter Lenny Williams and other public events. I also had a part in singer/guitarist Gary Clarks Jr. video "This Land". Through God's guidance and grace, I plan on using my talents to help many people by creating my own organization that will help build more homeless shelters and create a music program that will give free classes to at risk youth in the city. My dream is to get signed with A label before I graduate high school. I have always heard that I was a star every since the age of four but as I grow and learn I realize that being told you are a star doesn't make you a star. Being a star requires hard work, confidence, consistency, long hours, learning everything you possibly can about your craft and most of all look for God for your guidance and strength. I plan on being the next biggest star from Houston Texas.